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Wisdom Tooth Removal

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    • We offer painless and minimally traumatic wisdom tooth (also known as "eighth tooth") removal.

    • The extraction is performed by an experienced surgeon using a gentle method.

    • Payment plans are available.

    What is a Wisdom Tooth?

    A wisdom tooth is your third molar, often referred to as the "eighth tooth." They typically erupt between the ages of 20 and 25. They can be:

    • Impacted, meaning they are positioned abnormally in the dental arch.

    • Retained, meaning they don't fully erupt.

    • Non-functional in terms of contributing to chewing and bite formation.

    Is Removal Always Necessary?

    The extraction of a wisdom tooth is recommended only if one of the following conditions is present:

    • Severe root fracture.

    • Advanced inflammation of the pulp or periodontium.

    • Interference with bite correction.

    • Has caused the development of pericoronaritis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth, accompanied by intense pain, mucosal swelling, and an unpleasant odor).

    • Has led to crowding of the teeth.

    • Exerts pressure on the neighboring molar, causing damage.

    • A root cyst has been diagnosed.

    In all other cases, it is advisable to retain the tooth for at least two reasons:

    1. Often used as support for a bridge.
    2. Removal of the wisdom tooth can have a negative impact on the opposing tooth (it may start shifting out of the jaw).

    How much does wisdom tooth removal cost?

    At Solea Dental, this procedure starts at $399.

    The final cost depends on the specific situation. For example, the removal of an impacted or retained tooth may cost more than a standard extraction without complications.

    How is wisdom tooth removal done at Solea Dental?

    First, the dentist performs a visual examination, assessing the condition of the wisdom tooth and the overall oral cavity. For a more detailed analysis, a panoramic or targeted X-ray is taken. This helps to determine the length, shape, and number of roots, as well as the positioning in relation to the adjacent molar. Depending on the obtained data, a simple or complex extraction is performed.

    Simple Extraction

    • Effective local anesthesia is administered, ensuring the patient feels no pain.

    • After disinfecting the oral cavity using an antiseptic like Peridex 0.12% or ozone water, the dentist carefully loosens and removes the root tooth with the help of forceps.

    • A socket is created and immediately treated with an antiseptic (sometimes it is sutured, depending on the situation).

    Complex Extraction (for retained or impacted teeth):

    • Anesthesia is administered to ensure the absence of pain.

    • The oral cavity is thoroughly sterilized. The dentist then creates access to the wisdom tooth to carefully extract it, either in its entirety or in parts.

    • The resulting socket is rinsed and may be sutured.

    Wisdom Tooth Removal - Aftercare

    • 1 During the first few hours after the surgical procedure, apply cold compresses to reduce swelling.
    • 2 For the next 1–2 days, rinse your mouth with a special solution for antiseptic purposes by swishing it around for 20–30 seconds.
    • 3 Start brushing your teeth regularly on the day after the surgery. It's essential to use a soft toothbrush and be very gentle to avoid harming the operated area.
    • 4 Chew on the opposite side from where the wisdom tooth was extracted.
    • 5 Consume only room-temperature food and beverages.
    • 6 Avoid smoking for at least 5–7 days.

    What not to do?

    Avoid applying hot compresses (which can lead to increased swelling).
    Refrain from rinsing your mouth in the first 24 hours to avoid disturbing the blood clot in the socket. Stay away from hard foods for 3-5 days.

    How is upper and lower jaw wisdom tooth removal different?

    • 1 The structure of the upper jaw is softer, and the procedure typically takes less time. However, it is crucial not to touch the maxillary sinuses during extraction.
    • 2 The lower jaw is denser, and the roots are usually more firmly anchored. Sometimes they are more twisted and uneven, making them harder to extract.

    In both cases, to ensure a complication-free extraction, we take a detailed panoramic X-ray (or CT scan) during the planning stage to assess the location, shape, and number of roots.


    When can I begin to eat?

    You should not eat or drink during the first 2-3 hours after the surgery. For the first two to three days, it is recommended to avoid hot, fibrous, and grainy foods.

    How much does the gum hurt after removal?

    It varies depending on individual factors. In general, experiencing some level of pain and swelling in the soft tissues is a normal reaction to the surgical procedure. By the 7th day after the operation, the pain should completely subside. If it persists for more than a week, it's advisable to consult your treating dentist.

    Is an implant placed after wisdom tooth removal?

    There might be a need for this if there are no adjacent teeth next to the wisdom tooth. In that case, it can be used as support for a dental prosthesis.