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Tooth Extraction

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    "Painless treatment with zero complications in a single visit."

    We perform tooth extractions of any complexity:

    • those covered by a crown, gum, or tissue;
    • with damaged, soft, or curved roots;
    • with an anomaly in the form of horizontal positioning.

    Tooth Extraction Cost

    Procedure Cost
    Starting price for tooth extractionfrom $399

    The final cost of treatment depends on the clinical case.

    When is tooth removal necessary?

    • The tooth is almost completely decayed

    • There is a large cyst that cannot be treated

    • Vertical tooth fracture

    • Critical tooth mobility

    • Incorrect bite / crowding of teeth

    Doctor's opinion

    Dr. B. Lipovetskiy

    If you visit the doctor and you’re told that your tooth needs to be removed - don't make any rushed decisions! Schedule an appointment for a consultation. If possible, we will try to save your tooth.

    How can you prepare for a tooth extraction?

    • On the day of the operation, dentists recommend limiting physical activity

    • A few hours before the procedure, it is recommended to have a meal (after extraction, at least 2 hours later)

    • After the procedure, refrain from drinking alcohol for 2–3 days


    If you experience severe fear before the procedure, consult with your doctor. They may recommend taking a mild sedative medication 1–2 hours before the surgical intervention.

    How are teeth removed?

    The very first and crucial stage is diagnosis. We assess the condition and location of the roots using 3D scanning. Thanks to this, our patients can be confident in precise and safe removal that won't affect neighboring teeth.

    Then, depending on the clinical situation, the following procedures are carried out:

    • 1 Simple extraction (10–15 minutes). The incisor, canine, or molar is gently grasped with forceps and easily removed from the socket. There is no need for additional manipulations involving soft and bone tissues.
    • 2 Complex extraction (from 30 minutes). In the case of complex tooth extraction, a series of surgical manipulations involving mucosal and bone tissue are performed.

    Please note that the exact nature and duration of the procedure may vary depending on the clinical situation and complexity of the case.

    How quickly does healing occur after surgery?

    For a standard extraction:

    • Within the first day, a blood clot forms in the socket, serving a protective function.
    • The socket begins to close within 3 days.
    • A new layer of epithelium forms within a week.
    • New bone tissue starts to form within 2 weeks.
    • The process of complete socket filling with bone tissue takes from 1 to 3 months.

    For a complex extraction, the timeframes for these stages may extend to 4–6 months.

    How is a tooth restored immediately after extraction?

    There are several ways to restore the tooth. For example, some people prefer to install a bridge supported by neighboring teeth (not the best option because it can cause more damage to those teeth). The most effective option is considered to be dental implantation.

    Installing an artificial root made of zirconium dioxide or titanium:

    • Prevents shifting of dental arches or gum recession (which will definitely occur if treatment is delayed).
    • Helps maintain the aesthetics of your smile at the highest level.
    • Stops the resorption of soft tissues and restores their metabolic processes.
    • Is a one-time procedure for a lifetime (when all post-operative recommendations from the doctor are followed).

    At our dental office, we can restore a lost tooth immediately after extraction. Schedule a consultation and learn more about how to restore your beautiful smile in just one day.